Visual Training: Seeing it is much better to see
What is visual training or vision therapy?
The visual training, also called visual or vision therapy is a part of optometry who is responsible for developing, improving and intensifying the visual skills that can be acquired.
The visual training provides the opportunity to learn how to use the vision of a more efficient way. Thus, when the visual system works actively can perceive and process information in our environment, and understand everything that is vient le.
Remember that we process information throughout the day, 80% is provided by the visual system.
The visual training tries to solve problems that can not be corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses.
The training consists of a series of visual exercises scheduled personalized to improve visual skills and retrain the visual system creating new neurological connections and new levels of consciousness between seeing and being around us.
What can improve the visual training?
The visual training, also called visual or vision therapy is a part of optometry who is responsible for developing, improving and intensifying the visual skills that can be acquired.
The visual training provides the opportunity to learn how to use the vision of a more efficient way. Thus, when the visual system works actively can perceive and process information in our environment, and understand everything that is vient le.
Remember that we process information throughout the day, 80% is provided by the visual system.
The visual training tries to solve problems that can not be corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses.
The training consists of a series of visual exercises scheduled personalized to improve visual skills and retrain the visual system creating new neurological connections and new levels of consciousness between seeing and being around us.
What can improve the visual training?
Strabismus: Children who twisted one or both eyes. The aim of the training is to get a visual appearance of normal eyes with good vision in each eye, a good binocular vision and good depth perception.
Amblyopia or lazy eye: visual acuity in children and adults, making work and teaching to do with lazy eye exercises using visual training.
Binoculars problems: They can hinder visual performance at school, at work and while driving. Difficulty seeing in 3D, to calculate distances to work everyday.
Problems and refractive accommodative:
- Control of myopia: By visual training together with special contact lenses can prevent the increase of myopia in children and adolescents.
- Carry out much closer to paper, occasional blurred vision eyesight, red eyes after activities closely, headache when you work in near vision, attention problems.
Learning Disabilities: Reading slow, short reading, omission of words in reading, transposition of letters, difficulties in copying the board, merjos when it is in motion or when traveling by car.
Visual stress: People who work in front of computers or large visual requirements.
Athletes: Directed athletes who want to work with the visual system to improve the anticipation time, distance calculation, reaction speed, balance. These are all skills that can improve performance athletes.
Brain injuries and neurological disorders: cranial and cerebral trauma, stroke, brain haemorrhage. Such acciodens can produce neurological disorders that affect the visual system alterations explained before.
Who visual training?
Needed a complete optometric examination which evaluated the efficacy of visual skills such as visual acuity of near and far, the refractive state, oculomotor skills, accommodative, binoculars, handedness and eye health. If you need to see the optometrist can decide if any further evidence perceptive level, viso-motor coordination and balance.
With all the results optometrist preparing a training plan customized for each person to improve as quickly as possible the skills that are most depleted.

Amblyopia or lazy eye: visual acuity in children and adults, making work and teaching to do with lazy eye exercises using visual training.
Binoculars problems: They can hinder visual performance at school, at work and while driving. Difficulty seeing in 3D, to calculate distances to work everyday.
Problems and refractive accommodative:
- Control of myopia: By visual training together with special contact lenses can prevent the increase of myopia in children and adolescents.
- Carry out much closer to paper, occasional blurred vision eyesight, red eyes after activities closely, headache when you work in near vision, attention problems.
Learning Disabilities: Reading slow, short reading, omission of words in reading, transposition of letters, difficulties in copying the board, merjos when it is in motion or when traveling by car.
Visual stress: People who work in front of computers or large visual requirements.
Athletes: Directed athletes who want to work with the visual system to improve the anticipation time, distance calculation, reaction speed, balance. These are all skills that can improve performance athletes.
Brain injuries and neurological disorders: cranial and cerebral trauma, stroke, brain haemorrhage. Such acciodens can produce neurological disorders that affect the visual system alterations explained before.
Who visual training?
Needed a complete optometric examination which evaluated the efficacy of visual skills such as visual acuity of near and far, the refractive state, oculomotor skills, accommodative, binoculars, handedness and eye health. If you need to see the optometrist can decide if any further evidence perceptive level, viso-motor coordination and balance.
With all the results optometrist preparing a training plan customized for each person to improve as quickly as possible the skills that are most depleted.